In Boston:
Day 2
The next morning, we heard from Mr. Sawnson and Col. Eidsmoe:
Later on, we went on our Paul Revere tour:
The next morning, we heard from Mr. Sawnson and Col. Eidsmoe:
Later on, we went on our Paul Revere tour:
One of my favorite things of the whole trip, Charlie Zahm and Tad Marks...
Great song... anyone know the name of it? That would be helpful!
Well I hope you all enjoyed my little post... I've already started Part 2. I have 2 more videos and a bunch more pictures. Check out my sister's Blog... She should have her second Reformation post up soon as well. Thanks for stopping by!
Great post, Joe!
I really like the videos(and I think that song is Soldiers Joy?), and Loch Lomond is really good!
Can't wait to see your part two post!
It was great seeing you the other day!
God Bless
Haha! Joseph posted! It's great how the trip just seems to go on.. and on... =)
The videos took a ridiculous amount of time to load (I'm pretty sure it's our computer), but they were much appreciated!
Looking forward to part 2!
Yeah, its the Soldier's Joy written by Jimmy Driftwood.....
Solders Joy!!! I thought I looked that up!! Oh well thanks!!
I was having problems with videos loading but they seem alright now... Glad you guys like em!
Oh yes, I don't remember who took the Loch lomond video.... But whoever filmed it was suffering from a severe A.D.D. attack! hahaha...
Good Riddance Hogwarts!!!
{{* *}}
Great post Joseph, looking forward to part 2 :-)
Enjoyed the beach Thursday, we have to do it again soon :-P
Hoorah for R500!
Looks like there were some amazing musicians...and amazing sightseeing! :D Looking forward to p2! :)
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