Saturday, August 15, 2009

Reformation Vacation! - Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of our amazing trip to Boston! I finally got my camera going by this point so most of these pictures were taken by me.... I hope you all enjoy.

Day 3

After breakfast and a seminar or two, we set off on a mini tour of the State House with Dr. Paul Jehle! The State House is on top of Beacon Hill. The hill was excavated so that the dirt could be used to fill in the bay due to population increase. The tour started in the Boston Commons.

Dr. Jehle teaching about Boston's founding

English Puritans, led by John Winthrop, founded Boston in 1630 .

More Teachings

Ok, now we at the state house...

The height of Beacon Hill use to be the top of the gold dome.

Across the street you could see the Shaw/ 54th Regiment Memorial, the Black Union Unit.

Looking on...

A good shot of Dad!

One of my favorites!

The next several shots were taken inside the State House....

The flag room!

Descriptions of the flags

The man himself!

Lovely stained glass....

One of the stain glass circles in the ceiling.

Simply amazing historical artwork....

My Art :)

After the State House tour, we had lunch and walked back to the Commons for our next tour: Calvinistic Preachers. Dr. Joesph Morecraft told us how great men like Increase Mather, Cotton Mather, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Samuel Davies, and others were greatly influenced by Calvin.

Later that evening...

George Washington speaking to the audience about God's providence...

If I remember correctly, these men were in there 90's and had been actively preserving the accurate history of Plymouth for decades...

Day 4

We woke up early on Independence Day to participate in the parade.

Gathering to parade around the Commons...

Nice camera!

Fortunately in a great spot for taking pictures of the line behind us..

The Thomas Family drum and fife leading the ladies line.

This might be my favorite picture of the whole event!

He was cute...

Think anyone looks out of place?

The celebration continued after we marched back to the hotel!

Later that evening...

Back on the Commons!

Everyone was gathered around the to watch the show!



Thanks again Lauren for the pics on the previous post and the fireworks on this one! And Emily Case for taking these last two pics of my family

Two more videos as promised!

You guys did great!!! I enjoyed your family's music as much as Mr. Zahm. Thanks!

What a way to finish the conference! Thanks to all you great people at Vision Forum!

7/4/09 Boston


Becca Elizabeth said...

WOW! Great post, Joe!
All the pictures are awesome!
That really must have been an epic event..... and Boston is cool, I so want to go there someday!
The videos were great too, amazing music. I haven't heard a better version of the second song ever!
Thanks for sharing :D
God Bless

Grace said...

Huzzah! Joseph posted once more!

Those are stunning pictures... your sis is talented! I wish we'd been able to go inside the state house. The flag room looks pretty splendid. ;-)

I miss Boston. A lot. *sigh* I love traveling.

Joe said...

Great photos! I LOVE the last one. Really good picture of all of you.

Wish we could have gone to Boston, but it's good to see pictures.

Hope y'all are doing well.


Rachel said...

I love that last one of your family! Ya'll did great on the costumes! And the videos really gave me a feel for the event...looked like loads of great fun. So awsome you got to go!

Sharri said...

I loved reading your posts about the Reformation! Your pics are so good!
i loved the family photo--great costumes!
It looks like you had a wonderful time!

Joel said...

Great post Joseph, it looks like it was a very blessed event :-)

Sorry to take so long to comment, I just found out you posted part two.


Joe M. said...

Hi - this question is kind of off topic, but are you the one who played the music that plays in your sidebar music player? It's awesome (I'm a big fan/musician of Celtic music)!